带宽受限的-JPEGXS压缩解决方案。 低延迟应用
"Media Links带来了深厚的工程、系统集成和广域网络连接的专业知识,以世界上最好的低延迟视觉无损轻量级编解码器提供全新的IP 媒体体验",Media Links市场销售总监 Jean-Baptiste Lorent说intoPIX。
JPEG-XS (XS, standing for eXtra Speed eXtra Small) achieves high quality compression ratios of up to 10:1 and beyond. This makes it ideal for the edge of the IP network where bandwidth is typically quite limited and where the transport of uncompressed high quality video is just not feasible. JPEG-XS (ISO/IEC 21122) provides visually lossless quality with sub-millisecond (<1 video frame) delay and is especially designed for latency-critical applications such as live remote event production over wide area networks.
"我们为我们与intoPIX.NET的持续合作关系感到自豪,他们共同创造了-XS,并提供了现在高效的-核心。他们共同创造了-JPEGXS,并提供了现在高效FPGA IP的-内核。该技术准备将低延迟连接提升到一个新的水平,这将改变我们今天进行live 远程生产的方式",媒体链接高级经理Mark Podesla说。
作为Media Links通用LAN/WAN架构解决方案组合的一个组成部分,MDP3020提供视频、音频和数据传输到/从IP 网络的边缘。
Media Links和intoPIX 都在展示新产品powered by JPEG-XS。两家公司欢迎大家联系各自的销售团队,试用intoPIX JPEG XS技术和新的Media Links解决方案。